Tutorial Intro
Let's discover Rauversion in less than 5 minutes.
Getting Started
Get started by installing Rauversion.
Or try Rauversion immediately creating an account on rauversion.com.
What you'll need
- Elixir 13 (OTP 25): Rauversion is made using the wonderful Elixir language and Phoenix Framework.
Additional libraries are needed for better sound and image processing:
The chosen database is Postgres. We use Makefiles too.
Finally yarn is needed to install some javascript deps. Download Node.js version 16.14 or above:
- When installing Node.js, you are recommended to check all checkboxes related to dependencies.
We highly recommend using Docker and the VSCode Dev Container or NeoVim Dev Container plugins. If you prefer to install without Docker then asdfvm for installing dependencies and managing versions is a good choice too.
Example Installation (Debian)
apt update
apt install elixir
apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
apt install -y nodejs npm
npm install --global yarn
apt install -y inotify-tools
mix local.hex --force
apt install -y ffmpeg
apt install -y libmad0-dev libid3tag0-dev libsndfile1-dev libgd-dev
apt install -y lame
Start a new Rauversion server
1. Download
Download the latest version from Github.
git clone git@github.com:rauversion/rauversion-phx.git
cd rauversion-phx
2. Run the Postgres Daemon
Ensure you are running the Postgres database. And that
the default user postgres
and password are set.
postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres &
If you want to connect with other database credentials Please check dev.exs file.
You can also configure the .env
file by renaming .env.example to .env
and add your variable configurations.
3. Install Dependencies
We provide a special Makefile with some useful commands. To install all the deps and create the database just do:
make install
4. Start the Server
When all the deps and migrations are in place. We can start the server.
make start
Now you can visit http://localhost:4000/ to see Rauversion!.